From September 22 to October 2, 2021, Solidarity Tracks organized a Training course where 26 young entrepreneurs, mentors and youth workers specializing in social entrepreneurship attended to the training coming from Greece, France (Martinique, Guadeloupe), Spain, Romania and Argentina. This seminar entitled “YES club: Club for youth entrepreneurship” is supported by the Erasmus + program. It is part of a Capacity Building project coordinated by Solidarity Tracks and aims to develop the entrepreneurial skills of young people and their professional network in terms of social entrepreneurship.
Thanks to this project, we have improved the “” platform that offers interactive distance education to young people from around the world and a large and diverse network of professionals and decision makers. This platform also offers personalized online guidance that provides the right support to beneficiaries to plan and put into practice their social business ideas before they start. This platform is accessible to all and free to all:
At the end of this training, a group of young people from Argentina who participated in the seminar, two of whom are also members of municipal councils in their country met with the Mayor of Lefkada, Mr. Kalos. During this meeting, the young people expressed their positive comments on some local and environmental development projects implemented by our Municipality and expressed their intention to establish cooperation between the Municipality of Lefkada and their respective Municipalities (Junin Town Hall, Buenos Aires and Austin Lorenzatti Town Hall).
Making of Video of the Training course