Capacity building project in the field of youth: YES CLUB Youth entrepreneurship club Kick-off meeting Bhaktapur ,NEPAL, 6-9/02/2020

Kick off meeting was held in Bhaktapur in Nepal form 06-09th of February 2020. The meeting was attended by 9 persons, two representatives of Solidarity Tracks and one representative from each partner organization. Previously, all partner organizations were contacted and tentative agenda was shared among the partners.

The new project phase will be continued with new partners from Spain, Romania, Martinique and Argentina, while the partners from Nepal, India, Vietnam and Greece remained.

Kick off meeting

The new project phase named E-stream, will be consisted of ten main activities. Each of the upcoming activities were discussed.
Activity 1: Kick –off meeting in Bhaktapur in Nepal
Activity 2: Survey for identifying needs in terms of training and support of: current beneficiaries of the platform “” and future beneficiaries of the new involved partner Activity 3 – Ten day training course in Lefkas in Greece Activity 4 – Experimenting updated and created version of YES club Activity 5 – Creation of user guide for E-stream Activity 6 – Creation of educational videos for E-seed and E-stream
Activity 7 – Training in Vietnam Activity 8 – Marker of social initiatives and implementation youth initiatives at local level Activity 9 – Social Fair Event for disseminating the project results and promotion of virtual YES club Activity 10 – final evaluation meeting in Argentina

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