The IDEA of our club

Description of the concrete idea of our Youth club for future youth entrepreneurs:

Youth E Club wish to provide an opportunity for young people aged 17-35 in the partner’s countries to do something useful for themselves and their community, i.e. to create and realize socially innovative project, improve their professional skills, become brave leaders and eventually launch their own social business that will create jobs in our hosting countries.

Youth entrepreneur’s club   provides multiple benefits:

  • association with other young people who are interested in the same things,
  • improving the skills that are important for both private and professional life,
  • financial means for the realization of socially innovative project,
  • the ability to turn your passion into something into a job,
  • an investment to start social business and the solution of self-employment and the employment of others,
  • working with expert team

We propose 2 programme under our youth entrepreneurship club:

  • Youth-E club -seed
  • Youth-E-club -stream

Youth E-Club-Seed is aimed for non-formal groups of youngsters who would like to run socially innovative project in their communities.

  • It is a project that can be implemented by an informal group and offers a new and sustainable solution for an old social problem, empowers people whose problem is solved and it does for the general good. Youth-E club -seed can supports projects in the small amount and we will teach youngsters how to find the same amount in your community.

Each interested youngster or group of youngsters are obligated to register themselves on Moodle platform on the link Youth-E-club. There are 4 courses in this project as follows:

Course I: Better society is possible. It contains two modules: 1. I have a dream; 2. Social innovations.

The aim for the course is to encourage youngsters to start “dreaming” about better society and to help them to find innovative solutions for social problems. In this course, the participants need to complete several steps and need to create a group of their peers, which will write project idea for socially innovative project for their community. If they complete their course I, they continue their journey through the project, entering course II.

Course II: Our crazy plan. It contains three modules: 1. Tournament of social innovations; 2. How to project a project; 3. My community – my responsibility.

The aim of the course is to help youngsters to address social problems on innovative way and to develop high-quality plans for actions in community.

Participants who finished the course and formed a group of their peers (from 5 to 7 persons) will be invited to come on one-day offline event named “tournament of social innovations” where they will present their ideas of projects which aimed to solve some social problems. The evaluator team will select the best project ideas. The participants whose ideas is accepted are allowed to continue their trip through the project. The evaluator team will suggest them how to develop an idea. After that, the groups will be obligated to finish course II and to write on-line project application.

Once the programme team approves the project, participants will be obliged to find at least half of the required funds in their communities. Those funds can be in materials, in expert work, etc…

The participants whose project will be approved are continuing their journey through the course III and course IV.

In course III named My responsibility for success, participants need to finish four modules: 1. Project management science; 2. We have a problem – a great opportunity; 3. Can you hear us? 4. Money is multiplying in right hands: part I: own finances. Also, during the course III, participants need to implement their approved project idea in the community.

In course IV: Entrepreneurship and me, participants continue implementation of their projects and need to write project implementation report. Also, in order to continue their journey through the programme, they need to complete two modules of this course: 1) The spirit of social entrepreneur in you; 2) My Way.

With course IV ends project Youth E-club-seed.

The second project Youth- E-club-stream start from the course V.

At the end of Youth-Eclub-seed project (course IV) the best participants are selected to continue their journey through Youth entrepreneur’s club, entering the project Youth-Eclub-stream.

There are several selection criteria for selecting participants for Youth-E-club -stream programme:

  • Successful competition of Youth-E-club -seed project (four courses and project idea)
  • Own interest to develop idea and turn it to social business
  • Personal characteristics such are GRIT, Honesty, Empathy, Social Activism, Justice, Sense for Entrepreneurship, Values orientation, Professional interests (all of these are measured by surveys during M-seed phase
  • Participants engagement during project implementation in community
  • Knowledge achieved in M-seed project

If they are selected, participants entering in Youth-Eclub -stream project where they need to develop and run their social business with the help and mentorship of their mentors, which will help them to develop business idea, develop product prototype, test the business idea and finally run the business. This is 10 months long process (from idea development to running business). All the time, participants are running through three online courses and need to complete it, in order to develop and implement their business idea. Depending of the idea, each participants got his mentor, which follow him through the process.

If the idea is feasible and there are possibilities for business to be run and to achieve the success, the project team is supporting the participant by mentorship and financially. If the idea is successfully developed and project is run, the business need to give back the part of the profit to the programme in order to support more business ideas.

All the running business become the part of Youth-E-Club, which is the club of businesses that are run by the project. The Y-E-club is supposed to be hub for further investors place and place for business cooperation between businesses.

This approach can be improved according to the needs of our youngsters and communities.

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